Investigating the cause of surprisingly half deserted streets of a summer night in
But the real-life tragedy struck a couple of months later, when a private footage showing one of the leading actresses of the soap having sex, started circulating virally in the underground market and websites. Reviewing my recent memory, I can still recall seeing a few snapshots and videos showing Iranian "celebrities" posing or dancing without wearing Hijab- an indispensable companion of their public "religiously decent" image-, but, to my knowledge, celebrities' involvement in sexually explicit material was unparalleled in contemporary history of the country. Due to its unique nature, responses of different layers of the society to this phenomenon surfaced some otherwise unfathomable intricacies of Iranian culture. Some of these interesting mixed reactions included
- Seemingly morally conservative families commenting indiscreetly about the video in their equally morally strict social circles.
- Seismic shifts in stance of press and government officials, who, to much of everyone's surprise, categorically admitted the fact that such a video exists.
- Condemning the actress and complaining about the declining morals of youth.
- In-depth analysis of physical appearance of the actress and sexual stamina of her partner.
- Expressing short-lived, dinner-party regrets for uncertain future of the actress whose only crime was being unlucky.
- Trying to make fun of the situation by jokes like: "If American celebrities (Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson) can have sex tapes, why can't ours?"
- Performing a song named "Break the CD", encouraging people to destroy the film CDs and respect the privacy of a fellow Iranian girl.
No matter what kind of mindset someone might have, it is obvious for anybody who has spent a few years living in
Ms Ebrahimi- the above mentioned actress- has gained her fame and fortune playing in mainly spiritual or religious films and programmes; amidst all the arguments surrounding this matter, I can hardly remind of anyone who pointed out to the fact that: She was victim of a monster which she had spent all of her career feeding it.